What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! I am so excited to bring this sell out event back to you one more time before baby arrives!
This two hour blissful event will involve Restorative Yoga followed by our beautiful Yoga Nidra.
Restorative Yoga postures involve long held supported postures that will help relax the body, soften the mind and rejuvenate the soul.
An ancient yogic practice, Yoga Nidra or "Yogic Sleep" and is a sleep like state of deep relaxation. It is designed to reduce tension and anxiety and it brings with it a incredible sense of calmness, quietness and clarity.
A systematic method producing deep relaxation into the subconscious mind, Yoga Nidra releases tension on three levels; muscular, emotional and mental. Through the guidance of an experienced instructor and in a comfortable position, you learn to induce your own state of relaxation. Moving away from outer experiences, through breath work and imagery, you consciously turn inward, cultivating your own inner knowing, culminating in a renewed sense of harmony and wellness. All students are encouraged to explore this powerful practice - no previous yoga experience is required.
Cost $35. Booking & prepayment must be received prior to the event to confirm your place, via Emily - info@mettayoga.com.au or 0407 991 630.