Metta Yoga invites you to our monthly sacred Goddess Circle Gatherings.
Each month we will gather on a full moon (or new moon, depending when the full moon falls). Emily will be joined by a different co-host each month who works within the wellness industry or has a creative gift or inspirational story to share. The idea of these events is that we connect with our soul sisters and inspire one another on our wellness journeys with the goal to become the best possible version of ourselves, thanks to the uplifting energy and support of women who are on the same path.
March will be our first ever Goddess Circle. Emily will be hosting the full event this month. The evening will include a Full Moon Guided Meditation, some gentle, restorative Yoga suitable for all levels, followed by an open discussion where Emily will share her wellness experiences and her journey to date, including how Yoga, wellness practices, diet & essential oils have helped her heal from Adrenal Fatigue, Depression and Anxiety, her experiences of infertility and IVF and motherhood, and how important she feels it is to connect with like minded souls on a regular basis to keep us on our path and forever inspired.
This is a FREE EVENT. All we ask is you bring something along to share. It could be a delicious and nutritious snack, a drink, something you have made for the other goddesses such as a flower crown, or even flowers you have picked from your garden, anything really!
If you would like to join Emily as a co-host for one of these monthly events please contact her. You may be within the wellness industry, have a creative skill you'd like to teach & share or even an inspirational story to share.
Bookings are essential via or by contacting Emily on 0407 991 630 or