Now I am a lover of coconuts! I love the smell, the taste and how they can take you on a journey to a tropical oasis!
Over the years I have developed a deeper love for coconuts, after exploring and experiencing all the amazing health benefits they have to offer! So today, I thought I would share my favourites with you…
Ayurvedic Oil Pulling
This has become a part of my daily routine and has been for around three years now! Ayurveda means ‘science of life’ and is a 5,000 year old natural healing approach that originated in the Vedic culture of India, and therefore is often linked to Yoga. Ayurvedic oil pulling involves popping a tablespoon of an oil (usually coconut or sesame) into the mouth first thing upon waking in the morning, before talking and before even swallowing. Then let the oil melt in the mouth and slowly swish it around the mouth for 15-20 minutes, even pulling the oil through the teeth. Once you’re done spit it out, do not swallow it as it will now be toxic. The idea is that this swishing process acts like a cleanser and pulls out bacteria and debris. It helps remove mucus and your horrendous morning breath! It brightens and whitens teeth and creates healthier gums. It is also said that it can improve quality of sleep, alleviate allergies, decrease inflammation and the occurrence of headaches, and even improve PMS symptoms (woot woot!).
I notice it increases my energy and clears the mind. I use Oil Pulling as a meditative practice. It requires me to remain quiet for the first 15-20 minutes of my day. If I’m busy, then I’ll continue to make the bed and get ready for my day whilst swishing the oil around. If I have the time I might sit in meditation, give my dog some cuddle time, or even read a book.
A healthy fat bomb!
Now I used to live on a low fat, salt free, vegetarian diet. I was also becoming increasingly ill. Since converting to Paleo and a high fat, low carb diet I now live on good fats, and my body is thriving! About a year ago I discovered Fat Bombs, after recognising the importance of a constant supply of fats in the body. Now you can get creative and cook up a fancy fat bomb, maybe one that consists of say some coconut oil, grass-fed butter, cacao powder and a throw in a natural sweetener like raw honey, OR you can simply pop a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for something quick and easy!
It’s a good idea to take a spoonful of coconut oil upon waking (after oil pulling!), in the afternoon and right before bed. This will serve as a blood sugar safety net throughout the day and your night’s sleep! It’s a quick and accessible snack that will boost your mood, energy and health and also deter you from sugary snacks!
It's also good to test a few different coconut oils out. Some I don't like the taste of. Others are much more pleasant.
My dog Merlin will often wake me in the morning, impatiently waiting for his spoonful of coconut oil! It is great for doggies!
Cooking with coconut oil
I use coconut oil for probably 90% of my cooking (the rest of the time it’s either ghee or duck fat!). It’s great for cooking as it can withstand high heats whilst still retaining its goodness, unlike other common oils used for cooking such as Olive Oil. I also use coconut oil in any snacks I make and baking I do. Plus I pop a spoonful into my green veggie smoothies for a hit of fat and immune support. (Coconut oil is rich in Lauric Acid, which can kill microbes like bacteria, fungi and viruses. Therefore coconut oil boosts your immune strength!)
Sunscreen and after sun care
Being the Casper-like Irish lady that I am, I need to be careful in the sun. If I plan to be in the sun for a while I will use sunscreen (which I try to avoid because it’s shown to be quite toxic). My natural preference is to use coconut oil! I often use coconut oil as a moisturiser for my face and body, and this acts as a natural sunscreen.
Sunscreen has been getting a bad rap lately, as not only can it be toxic but it reduces the intake of the necessary vitamin D. There are two types of Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun… UVA and UVB. Both can cause damage and sunburn, and both are blocked by sunscreen, however UVB is necessary for your body to produce its own cancer protecting vitamin D. So a good alternative is Coconut Oil, just note it has a low SPF rating.
Now if I have accidentally become sunburnt I quickly pop on some coconut oil and literally overnight the sunburn disappears! There has only been one occasion where the burn didn’t heal overnight, and that is because it was quite a bad burn. But I continued to apply my Coconut Oil as after sun care and it healed without scarring. (My body is known to scar for years from sunburn).
There are so many other amazing uses for Coconut Oil that I absolutely love. The above are just a few of my favourites that I highly recommend you test out. Others include:
- Face and body moisturiser
- Fake tan remover
- Insect repellent and great for mosquito bites!
- To help make homemade deodorant
- Reducing stretchmarks in pregnancy
- Quick frizz reducer for the hair
- Soothes psoriasis and eczema
Do you have a fabulous use for coconuts that I must add to my regime? Let me know.
Peace, love & coconuts!
Love Emily.
Looking for a great go to coconut snack? Check out Coconut My Body Organic Coconut Butter Chunks:
Peace, love & coconuts!
Love Emily.